F A V O R I T E . F A C E S .

Mary Kate or Ashley

Alexa Chung

Rachel Bilson

Michelle Williams

Kate Moss

4 . 3 . 1 2 .

Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold.

Zelda Fitzgerald

C A T E . P A R R

Recently discovered these dreamy fashion watercolors by L.A. based artist Cate Parr.  Take a look and comment if you have a favorite!

W O R D S . O F . Z E N

I am now back from my short hiatus, my apologies to have kept you waiting! I've heard too many times from other bloggers, "If you're not blogging, you're dead." So, I'm happy to have come back to life.  Here is a little bit of inspiration from Randi Zinn's blog. Working on our next style idea post, hope you check back with us again, soon.
via (RandiZinn.tumblr.com)

N I N E T I E S . K A T E

I think by now the nineties can be called vintage. It's been about twenty years, and light-pink shimmery sparkles, and platform sandals have already made their way back onto the runway again. Kate Moss exemplifies the nineties, her first cover was for The Face in July of 1990 jump-starting a fantastic career that has made her into an icon.  So here's some Kate Moss in the nineties for you.

The Face -- 1990

Vogue -- 1994

Spring Editorial -- 1995 
Harper's Bazaar -- 1996

Versace Ad Campaign -- 1993

At Saks Fifth Avenue, launch of CK fragrance -- 1995

with Johnny Depp at Golden Globes -- 1995

with Johnny Depp -- 1994
(notice their leather jackets, and her maxi skirt)

with Naomi Campbell -- 1993